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Institutional Arrangements
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Water Integrity: Principles and Concepts

Year of publication:
This free, online course aims to create awareness and strengthen water governance through increased knowledge on how to improve transparency and accountability. It offers a “grain” of the needed knowledge required by water practitioners, public officials, NGO personnel, and anybody else who want to contribute to increase the efficiency and integrity of water management. The course explains the principles and concepts of water integrity and helps depicting concrete applications in the daily life of water experts.
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Planning Monitoring and Review
Implementing the OECD Principles on Water Governance

Implementing the OECD Principles on Water Governance

Year of publication:
This report takes stock of the OECD Water Governance Principles’ use and evolving practices, and provides an indicator framework building on lessons learned from their implementation in different countries and contexts. It is aimed at interested cities, basins, regions and countries wanting to strengthen their water policies.
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Planning Monitoring and Review
OECD Water Governance Indicator Framework

OECD Water Governance Indicator Framework

Year of publication:
The Water Governance Indicator Framework provides a voluntary multi-stakeholder self-assessment tool to understand the performance of water governance systems at city, basin, regional or national scales. Its primary objective is to stimulate a transparent, neutral, open, inclusive and forward-looking dialogue across governments and other stakeholders on what works, what does not, what should be improved and who can do what. It is also a tool supporting the implementation of the OECD Principles on Water Governance.

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Institutional Arrangements
Evolving Water Governance Practices

Evolving Water Governance Practices

Year of publication:
This tool provides 50+ examples that document the implementation of the OECD Principles on Water Governance. The evolving practices provide lessons learnt at various levels (local, basin, national) as well as for policy frameworks, institutions and policy instruments, and could help with future implementation of the principles in interested cities, basins, regions and countries. It is aimed at policy makers, practitioners and other stakeholders wanting to learn from each other and aims to help them identify pitfalls to avoid when designing and implementing water policies.
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Planning Monitoring and Review
Water Integrity Management (IM) Toolbox

Water Integrity Management (IM) Toolbox

Year of publication:
The IM toolbox is a systematic, bottom-up approach to identify and address the integrity risks in the day-to-day operations and management of a water sector organization. Water sector organizations can use the approach to optimize their business models and reduce the risks that are affecting their performance on the long term.

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